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Catelyn Jones

Early Learning Human Body Systems

Early Learning Human Body Systems

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price $12.00 USD Sale price $10.00 USD
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K5-3rd grade come to the Collaboration Station for a new workshop focused on activity-based learning of human body systems.   Come to our debut workshop: Friday 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

About the instructor:

My name is Catelyn (Cat) Jones and I'm a homeschool mom to two boys. I've been a Registered Nurse since 2017 and I am excited to be a part of the local community! I've always had a love for learning and hope to pass it on to my children. Growing up, I always thought of becoming a teacher, and in some ways, I have manifested it in my career as a Registered Nurse and in home life; I educate others about their health and teach my children on a daily basis. I have worked with children in various stages of life through church, volunteer efforts, throughout my career, and during my studies to become a nurse while teaching students about their bodies alongside school nurses. The human body has always amazed me and I am excited for the opportunity to help educate kiddos about their own amazing bodies!

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