Earth Science Lab for 4th-8th Grade
Earth Science Lab for 4th-8th Grade
Homeschool Science help is here! Give your middle-grade student hands-on mini-projects and lab-like experiences based on a STEM problem-solving approach. The class will be adapted to grade-level bands based on students' academic levels. Options for continued home learning included. Classes are 75 minutes long, Mondays from 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Individual lab sessions are $12 each. Bundle and SAVE 20% on the whole seven-session unit, only $67. Class size is limited to 15 students.
Erin Rockenhaus has taught science and STEM in the classroom for over a decade and developed a school-wide STEM program in Anderson, SC before starting Circular STEM. She has a BS in Education and Masters in Biology from Clemson. She was Conservation Educator of the Year in Anderson County in 2021 and has won grants for STEM education excellence projects. See full bio:
Her way of teaching encourages students to "think big" and understand the systems, materials, and connections within our world, skills that will serve them in any field.